Boo it's back to the car... and hurry before we get a ticket!!!

(a picture of Boo running to the car before we get ANOTHER ticket)
As if I needed another lesson about the dangers of procrastination... yes the village of East Hampton is now officially out of parking passes. So what does that mean??? Well, during the week I can either bike to the beach or walk... It's as horrible as it sounds! Not only that.... when I take my beloved Boo to the beach on Saturday mornings, we will have to get our act together and get out of the parking lot by 9 before those belligerent brownies give me another gorgeous orange little souvenir. OOOPS... I didn't meant to say belligerent.. in fact... I'm not even sure how to spell it. I meant BEAUTIFUL. Which rhymes with thoughtful.
Speaking of thoughtful Brownies... not those nasty ones who sell the fat laden Samoas and Tag Alongs... the ones that will soon be busted by the FDA because they lace them with some sort of addictive additive... but the ones that write the tickets. I give them credit for actually smiling and being so pleasant about their duties. The ones in Sag Harbor are especially wonderful. Oh those kids, They're the best! They keep our streets more orderly and safer and just make the Hamptons experience so much better. The one's in East Hampton... they're fabulous too! Ok, now will you guys rip them up? Hey, I have a box of Samoas you can have if you tear that puppy up?!?
Labels: beach pass, Boo, Brownies, HAMPTONS, Samoas