The really really really really really long wait to get into the Hampton Classic!!!
So if you thought the congestion on 27 Friday night's was bad... you haven't tried to go to this year's Hampton classic. I thought I was so clever driving around on Butter Lane to Mitchells and then sneak in through Snake Hollow Rd. Well guess what.. I'm not sure how much time I saved but it took me 45 minutes to get to my parking space. Now remember, today was NOT GRAND PRIX SUNDAY!!!! Here is my solution for the rest of the week... go to the King Kullen parking lot and walk to the event. I don't know who was running the parking situation but the stadiums, chalets and tables weren't exactly standing room only. Anyway, thank god the food was good and the lines in the shops were short. Sorry I haven't written in awhile. I promise I'll be better. Later!