So I was looking at this picture above of my buddy Al and me.... OK WE WERE BOTH ON THE SAME FLIGHT... BUT I'M HOPING WE'LL STAY IN TOUCH....and thought we could both to shed a few pounds. The inconvenient truth is.... Al baby you're making me look thin!
So after I was looking at this photo... I started thinking about something i recently read;
British researchers have found that subliminal messages really do work-- even when people don't know they've even seen anything. Ok, so why is this surprising? Because most people think subliminal messages are nothing more than plot devices for sit-coms and movie comedies. Messages of that nature are banned in the U.K., but not here in the U.S. That scares the bejeezus out of me!
On the positive side of things, could you imagine a television channel that used this for good? Don't smoke! Put down that twinkee! Go jog and get to the gym! Ok, I would actually Pay for that! I would personally tune into the fitness channel... "get to the gym." After all summer is just around the corner.
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